If I don’t take the time to plan out our meals and do a little meal prep, weeknight dinners can be stressful and frustrating. I hate when I find myself with plenty of food in the house but nothing that clearly translates into a meal. Or worse yet, when I visit friends and family and find their fridges full of food needing to be thrown away, simply because they didn’t have a plan when they bought everything and now it’s all gone bad. Ain’t nobody got time for wasted food.
It turns out, I’m in the minority: not everyone plans out their lives like I do. So, in my ongoing attempts to take over your kitchen, I’m sharing my meal prep and grocery lists with you this year. I don’t know if I’ll share them every single week, but I’m aiming for at least once a month. My hopes are that you’ll feel inspired to do a little meal prep on Sundays (or whatever day you have off/is convenient for you), and you’ll feel confident enough to cook for yourself most nights of the week. With a little foresight, it’s not that hard. I promise!
Here’s a look at last week’s dinner plans and grocery list:
What I Prepped for the Week:
Enchilada Sauce and Roasted Butternut Squash for Tuesday night’s dinner
Roasted Sweet Potatoes for Wednesday night’s dinner
Maple & Olive Oil Granola for breakfast with yogurt and fruit.
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough to stick in the freezer and pull out anytime cookie cravings strike.
Hummus for lunches and snacks.
Homemade English Muffins for breakfasts.
Here’s you challenge for the upcoming week: take the time to write out a grocery list, and make ahead a few items that will make your life easier. Then, share it with me by leaving a comment here, or taking a picture and tagging me on Facebook or Instagram. Happy meal planning, friends!
P.S. There are no detoxes, diets, or New Year-induced self deprecation around here. Chocolate is a must, any week of the year. I’m a big believer in treating myself with kindness 365 days a year, and trusting my body to crave the foods it needs to thrive. If you’re feeling pressure to start a diet this year, let’s chat! I know from personal experience that diets don’t work, and my meal prep posts are NOT aiming to put you on a diet or make you feel guilty about your own food choices. My goal is to help you feel empowered to cook for yourself, no matter what you end up cooking.This is what we eat- adjust to suit your family and your body accordingly. ❤️, Chelsea