But, only if you want to. I’m not trying to pressure you into partaking in my favorite activity, or anything (okay, maybe I am a little…). But I promise it’s just because I want to share this euphoric feeling with you all. Hiking is THE BEST.
Full disclosure: I just got nervous and had to google the official definitions of hike and walk.
Let me explain. I like walking, but I love hiking. Like, big- heart-eyes-caps-lock-borderline-obsessed, LOVE hiking. In case you’re unsure, a hike is officially defined as a long walk through the country, woods or wilderness. A walk? That’s just traveling by foot. I would choose to go for a hike over just about any other activity. Here’s why: it makes my body feel good. My whole entire body. Mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally- I always come back from a hike feeling both calm and energized.
So, to help articulate my thoughts and encourage you to get out there and hike, here are 5 of the reasons I love hiking + some pictures from past hikes.
1. For the self-regulated physical challenge. Some days I want to climb a mountain, and other days I just want to stroll through the woods. Hiking isn’t intimidating for me because I know I can go at whatever pace I want. Stopping to smell the flowers is encouraged, so there’s no pressure to be the fastest person out there. In fact, some of my most enjoyable hikes have involved plenty of stops and time to take in the surroundings. Likewise, on days I’m craving more strenuous physical exertion, I move more quickly, climb over all the rocks and fallen trees, or take a new/more steep trail up a mountain.
2. It relieves stress. Not only is my body engaged when I’m out for a hike, but my mind is stimulated by all the plants, trees, and sights to see. Hiking encourages me to be more present in the moment and gives my mind the space and time it needs to wander and calm down from the day’s stressors. I finish every hike feeling good, no matter what my day was like.
3. To reconnect with my body. Going for a hike always makes me proud of my body, and helps me love myself more. I can feel my leg muscles working as I climb a tough hill, my heart pumping in my chest, and my lungs working to fill me up with air. Over time things that were once challenging become easier, and I get to know my body’s limits and capabilities.
4. It makes me feel spiritually fulfilled. Being connected with nature- seeing the seasons change, the moss grow, the flowers bloom, the leaves turn, the acorns fall, the mushrooms sprout, etc, satisfies my soul in a way that I can only describe as highly spiritual. The world makes sense when I’m out for a hike; birth, life, death- they are all present in the woods. I find myself pondering the meaning of the world and my purpose in this life when I’m out for a hike. You’d think being out in the woods would make me feel smaller, but in fact I always feel bigger, as if somehow I have more space than the actual perimeters of my skin.
5. For the sense of accomplishment. Hiking makes me feel strong and capable, regardless of the difficulty of the hike. I don’t track the mileage of my hikes (technology distracts me while I’m hiking, anyway), because knowing I walked a certain number of miles isn’t mentally or physically satisfying for me. What is satisfying is looking at the trail I just walked and knowing I made it there and back. Knowing that I made it up the hills, around the pond, or through whatever physical features were in my way. I did it. The hills that were once impossible get easier, and it feels so good. So so good.
Bonus reason: The view is always gorgeous. Whether it’s sunny, cloudy, snowing, freezing cold, or all of the above, hiking always delivers in the beauty department.
If you’ve never gone for a hike before, check out all the trails in your state. I bet there’s something nearby, even if you’re in the middle of a city!
Tell me: do you like hiking? What do you love most about it?
Need snacks for the trail? Here are some of my favs to toss in a backpack:
Peanut Butter Oat Balls / Chewy Trail Mix Granola Bars / No Bake Almond Butter Granola Bars