Let’s kick off the first day of summer with a challenge, shall we?
You could call it a goal. An intention. A desperate plea. A creative outlet for me to share my passion on living more mindfully and sustainably.
Regardless of what you’d like to call it, today I’m sliding into your inbox in an attempt to get you to make more sustainable choices this summer.
To put the planet first for just three months, in whatever way is accessible and meaningful to you.
To finally, finally commit to breaking up with plastic bags, or disposable coffee cups, or whatever unnecessarily wasteful practices you might be holding on to; to shake up your grocery purchases, reduce your meat consumption, think about what type of transportation you use, or try to only buy things you need, not just the twelve items that look pretty as you walk through Target; to rethink beach days and road trips, to live more while using less.

I’m not asking you to do it all, just to pick a place to start.
Whatever choice you make will help send a message to your friends and family and, more importantly, to the major corporations whose products you are refusing, that we need to make a change in the way we produce and consume.
Simply by showing up to your local coffee shop with a mason jar for your cold brew, or buying your grains in bulk, or yes, refusing a plastic straw, you might just inspire someone around you to do the same. And that, my friends, is where the real magic happens.
So, here’s the deal. This summer, pick one thing you can do to help the planet. Just one, and commit to it.
Throughout the summer, I’ll be posting weekly tips + ideas for ways to help make your home/life a little greener. There will still be plenty of recipes, just with some more eco-friendly posts thrown into the mix, too, because it feels like the right thing to do.

Tell me: how can I help you make more sustainable choices this summer?
What resources would be helpful? What areas of your life need the most guidance (maybe you’re killing the reusable bag game but just don’t know where to start with cleaning products, or want to start making more sustainable clothing purchases, or are intimidated by the farmer’s market, etc etc)? Leave a comment below letting me know how I can help YOU, and/or what practices you’ve already adopted to help make this planet a little greener?