Inevitably, I forgot to take pictures of handfuls of nuts, random bites of chocolate, and a few odds and ends I ate here and there when I was hungry and not thinking about documenting anything. Translation: these photos are not every morsel of food that went into my stomach in a single week, but just my best attempt at photographing most of what I ate throughout the course of each day.
They’re not styled, beautiful photos (I snapped them all on my iPhone…), but they’re what food looks life in my real life, and sometimes I think that’s just as important to see on here as the styled, professional food photos!
Let me know if this type of post is helpful, and I’ll continue doing them as the seasons change and the type of meals I’m craving starts to shift with the changing weather.
coconut baked oatmeal with raspberries and nectarines
overnight oats with a cherry + peach compote and fresh blueberries on top
half a cantaloupe + coconut yogurt + a crushed up oat cookie + hemp seeds
full-fat cottage cheese + more cherry-peach compote
blueberry + banana + zucchini smoothie bowl
steel-cut oats +coconut butter + smashed raspberries + hemp seeds
scrambled eggs and spinach + mango + ciabatta with avocado and chili flakes
Trader Joe’s cauliflower gnocchi (which wasn’t that good, honestly…) with green beans, peas, marinara and basil
raw veggies with spicy peanut dipping sauce
whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter + grass-fed butter, carrot sticks and tomatoes
white bean + tortellini pasta salad
hummus + feta + cucumbers + tomatoes
homemade bbq black bean veggie burger + roasted Japanese sweet potatoes + pickles + chipotle mayo for dipping
a totally random salad with lots of fridge leftovers like hummus, vegan cheese, bbq tofu, kimchi, and peaches
roasted sweet potatoes + hummus + avocado + tomatoes + kimchi + coleslaw + bread
naan pizza with broccoli, fresh corn, garlic, and cheddar
sheet pan nachos for sharing with mango salsa on top
a green smoothie bowl (frozen bananas, spinach, vanilla protein powder) with crispy brown rice cereal and hemp seeds on top…and yes, this was dinner, not breakfast. Sometimes when it’s hot and humid out I just can’t possibly imagine eating anything other than a smoothie bowl for dinner.
salad with tuna, cucumber sauerkraut, and a big piece of toasted ciabatta
…there were multiple of these each day
cold brew + grass-fed/organic heavy cream + a drizzle of molasses
matcha latte with Luce Farm’s hemp honey
watermelon juice
half a cantaloupe
a sugary homemade donut
watermelon + pineapple
random pieces of this chocolate throughout the week
these new (to me) bars that I’m really loving- the lemon is my fave!
dates + almond butter + sea salt
a few chocolate almond butter no-bake cookies
and a couple of no-bake peanut butter granola bars
a leftover piece of Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread with almond butter, chopped dark chocolate + sea salt
a scoop of vanilla + chocolate ice cream (we’re obsessing over NadaMoo right now) with homemade chocolate sauce, peanut butter + salt
That’s is! I hope you all have a beautiful weekend!