Today we’re putting a scoop of vanilla ice cream into our cold brew to make an ICE CREAM LATTE.
Don’t fight it.

Once I shared my go-to cold brew method with you it was really only a matter of time before you found out about this put-a-scoop-of-ice-cream-in-it situation I’ve been enjoying lately.
What started as a refreshing afternoon treat on a hot day when I was craving both ice cream and a glass of cold brew has turned into a solid excuse to keep the freezer overly stuffed with our favorite coconut milk ice cream at all times (it’s SO fluffy and not overly sweet and seriously just perrrrrfect). We used to have to drive across town to buy it from the co-op, but now a major grocery store within walking distance (!!) carries a few flavors in their ‘natural foods’ section and let’s just say I’m currently working on six different pints and probably heading to the store later to grab a head of cauliflower and coming home with a few more pints of ice cream because, hello, if I’m already there I may as well grab some. Wouldn’t want to run out or anything crazy like that.

So, here’s how to make it happen. Pour a glass of cold brew into your preferred cup. Add a splash of vanilla and (trust me on this) a tiny pinch of sea salt. Scoop in your favorite vanilla ice cream (I like to use a mini cookie scoop and do 3-4 small scoops, but one big scoop gets the job done, too). Add a splash of whatever milk/cream you love in coffee, then stick a stainless steel straw in it, stir it up, and sip.
At first you’re like: okay, this is cold brew with a little splash of cream. I’m into it, but it’s no big deal.
But then the ice cream starts to melt and the cold brew forms little coffee ice crystals around the ice cream that get slurped up like a coffee-flavored slushie and your’e like: is this what heaven tastes like?
Yes is the obvious answer to that question.
If you think about it, vanilla ice cream is, at it’s core, just sweetened cream/coconut milk with lots of vanilla, so it’s kind of perfect for making an iced latte. And vanilla is just the tip of the iceberg here, people. Obviously chocolate, coffee, or salted caramel ice cream flavors would all be good choices here, as would a splash of something like maple or almond extract, if you’re feeling fancy.
Let’s not spend any more time taking about this ice cream latte- go make a batch of cold brew, stock up on your favorite ‘cream, and let’s do this thing!

If you make yourself a dreamy vanilla cold brew ice cream latte, be sure to leave a comment below letting me know what you think, or take a picture of it and share it with me on Instagram so I can see!
Vanilla Cold Brew Ice Cream Latte
Time: 5 minutes
Yields: 1
- 1 cup cold brew, chilled
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- tiny pinch of sea salt
- 1 large scoop of your favorite vanilla ice cream (we love NadaMoo)
- A splash of whatever milk/cream you love in coffee
- Pour the cold brew into a large glass. Add vanilla and sea salt, then drop in a scoop of ice cream. Top with a splash of milk/cream, stick a straw in it, and stir. Sip slowly and stir often to enjoy the flavor combination of melting ice cream + cold brew.